Project Details
Project Overview
Tug boat: MV GOSHEN
Barge: MV ZOE
• Removal of the existing closed drain vessel
• Installation of FLKO vessel and the twin closed drain and their accessories on the platform
• Fabricate and manifold the twin close drain vessels (Pumps, RV and ball valves, equalizing line inclusive ) and tie-in to the 16” of the FLKO vessel inlet line
• Fabricate and install spades on all the 1”,2”,3”.4.”6”,8”,10”,16”, 18”, 20” and 24” lines.
• Dismantling and flushing of the 24” flare line and 4” drain lines
• Fabricate and install 24” FLKO vessel outlet line to 24” flare line and supports
• Install the instrument gang way and top platform on the FLKO vessel
• Fabricate and install 16” FLKO vessel inlet line to back pressure manifold and supports
• Fabricate and install the 16” drain pot, manifold and connect the 2” drain line to the 4” drain
• Fabricate and install 16”gas manifold header to the back pressure manifold
• Fabricate and install 10” relief header line and tie-in to the 16” back pressure manifold and supportsFabricate and install the 3” and 2” outlets of the scrubbers and tie-in to the 10” relief line.
• Fabricate and install 8” relief line from surge vessel, HP/, LP and Test separators and tie-in to the 10” relief header line
• Increase the elevation of the 6” relief inlet valve for the HP, LP and Test separators
• Fabricate and manifold the 3nos FKO vessel 2” drain, to 3” header and tie-in to the 4” drain line
• Fabricate and tie-in the 2” of the 10” pigging barrel drain line to the existing 4” drain points
• Disconnect and salvage the 1” and 2” ligament drain lines. Install and blind 2”x150#WNF
• Fabricate and install 1” ligament drain line, manifold to the 2” drain line and tie-in to the existing 4” drain line.
• Fabricate and install 2” drain of the 8” discharge line of the pump house and tie-in to the existing 4” drain
• Fabricate and install pump house discharge line drip pan and tie-in to 4” drain line.21. Fabricate and install 2” drain of the 18” pump house suction header and tie-in to the existing 4” drain
• Fabricate and install 2” drain line at the pump house and tie-in to the existing 4” drain line
• Fabricate and connect the 2” drain of the FLKO vessel and tie-in to the 8” discharge line
• Modification and installation of the existing 4” drain line
• Deflange, Cut and remove 3” hydrant line from the fresh water tank area to the access
• Control room, 2” fresh water line by the pump house and the 4” hydrant tank overflow line.
• Fabricate and install 3” hydrant line and the accessories from the fresh water tank to the access control room, 2” fresh water line by the pump house and 4” hydrant tank over flow line
• Fabricate and install 4” gas line and tie-in to the 10” relief line.
• Fabricate and install twin 0-5ton rolling hoist to access the twin closed drain
• 100% radiography of welded joints
• Hydrotest of pipe spools
• Painting activity
• Commissioning
DURATION: 11 months
STATUS: Completed